Shape Replication
Replication is the concept of having a tile assembly system that can take input shapes and create new instances of that shape using a constant sized tile set.
Replication Using RNAse
In a paper by Abel, Benbernou, Damian, Demaine, Demaine, Flatland, Kominers, and Schweller[1], it is shown that replication can be achieved using an RNase augmentation of the staged tile assembly model. The shapes that their methods are limited to are arbitrary genus 0 shapes with minimum features of at least 5. Their first result showed that shapes can be replicated precisely n times using O(log n) stages and a constant number of tile types. This result works by... Their second result showed that shapes can be replicated indefinitely using a constant number of stages and a constant number of tile types. This result works by...
Replication Using Signal Passing Tiles
In a paper by Hendricks, Patitz, and Rogers[2], it is shown that replication can be achieved in the signal-passing tile assembly model.
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Zachary Abel, Nadia Benbernou, Mirela Damian, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Robin Flatland, Scott D. Kominers,, Robert Schweller - Shape Replication through Self-Assembly and RNase Enzymes
- ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms ,2010
- BibtexAuthor : Zachary Abel, Nadia Benbernou, Mirela Damian, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Robin Flatland, Scott D. Kominers,, Robert Schweller
Title : Shape Replication through Self-Assembly and RNase Enzymes
In : ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms -
Address :
Date : 2010
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Jacob Hendricks, Matthew J. Patitz,, Trent A. Rogers - Replication of arbitrary hole-free shapes via self-assembly with signal-passing tiles