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RodSim: An Optimized Simulator for the aSAM and kSAM


RodSim is an abstract Slat Assembly Model (aSAM) and kinetic Slat Assembly Model (kSAM) simulator written in C++ that is optimized to allow for much faster simulation than SlatTAS. However, it has no graphical user interface and no way of visualizing assemblies. Instead, they can be opened and inspected using SlatTAS.

RodSim is freely released and its source code is freely available, along with a README file explaining its dependencies and how to build it.

Acknowledgment of Support

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number (NSF CAREER-1553166). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Beta Release

This is a beta release - there are still surely plenty of bugs and inconveniences. Use at your own risk! Please feel free to email with any questions, comments, etc. We hope that you enjoy this software and find it useful!

RodSim Beta Release (C++ code) Note that the latest version can be found at the bottom of the list.

Note that the Slat Generator API is a useful set of scripts for generating, manipulating, and viewing slat assembly systems used and created by RodSim.