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A Python based program for defining shapes and creating Oritatami systems which self-assemble them in OritatamiSim. A basic program for drawing shapes, scaling and rotating them, and concatenating sets of bead sequences to create an Oritatami system (for use in OritatamiSim) which self-assembles the shape (at constant scale factor and with a constant set of bead types, but with a sequence which grows linearly with the size of the shape).

Instructions for use can be found by pressing 'h' when running the program.

For running the source version


   This application requires Python 2.7 or greater, but less than 3.0


   wxPython    (download installer for your platform here: https://wxpython.org/Phoenix/snapshot-builds/)
   pil         (via pillow, install using 'pip install pillow', pip can be found in your Python27\Scripts dir)

Related Software:


The source code for a significantly improved version can be found here:

[OritatamiShapeMaker Python source [1]]

The source code as well as an executable package for Windows, for an older and buggier version can be found here:

[OritatamiShapeMaker Python source [2]]

[OritatamiShapeMaker Windows executable [3]]