Signal-passing Tile Assembly Model (STAM)

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The signal tile assembly model(STAM) describes a signaled tile self assembly process that enriches the tile assembly paradigm with improved capabilities and allows tile assembly to more closely emulate biological and natural processes.

Signaled glue activation was introduced for the purpose of allowing supertiles to take on new identities or roles once assembled [1], so that supertile interactions as described in hierarchical models such as the Two-Handed Assembly Model (2HAM) can simulate the interactions of individual tiles.

The generalized model presented here has been designed to take into consideration a DNA implementation of all aspects of signaled assembly: binding, signaling, and glue activation or deactivation.

Physical Basis for the Model

The physical body of a tile might be composed entirely from a DNA origami structure which has more room for signal pathways than smaller DNA structures that have been used to implement the passive tiles of the TAM. Toe-hold mediated DNA strand exchange mechanisms [31, 38{40], as shown in Figure 1, provide a basis for a plausible physical implementation of signaling, glue activation and glue deactivation. Signals across individual tiles could potentially be implemented using DNA hybridization cascades such as HCR [11], transducers [31], seesaw gates [25], other mechanisms [38], or by DNA walkers [18, 20, 34, 38]. Details of a plausible DNA origami tile construction are given in [21].

1. J.E. Padilla, W. Liu, and N.C. Seeman, Hierarchical self assembly of patterns from the Robinson tilings: DNA tile design in an enhanced tile assembly model, Natural Computing online first, 17 August 2011 (2011).